Let us answer your questions. You will find a list below full of our most asked questions. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to ask.

How can I become a member?

First of all, we think it’s amazing that you want to join the BFP! The best way to contact us about joining us is by sending us an email or instant messaging us on Facebook or Instagram. Someone will always pick up your message and respond as soon as possible.

How old do I need to be to join the BFP?

We ask if any children would like to join our junior cast that they be over the age of 8 years old when starting rehearsals and MUST turn 9 by the first performance of that show. Otherwise, anyone who wants to be a part of a creative community is welcome to join. We love meeting new members!

Can I become a committee member?

Yes, you can! We are always eager for people to join our committee. If you attend rehearsals already, speak to the director of the production who will be able to signpost you accordingly. Alternatively, email the committee and someone will respond as soon as they can with any information you need.

How much does it cost to be a member?

Adult members (18+) will pay an annual fee of £20.

Juniors, aged 8 - 17, will pay an annual fee of £35.

These fees are usually paid in the August/September of each year and will cover performances for the year that follows.

How do I pay my membership fees?

When you become a member of the BFP, you will be asked to issue us with your email address. The membership fee form will be sent to you at the time in which this needs to be paid. Payments are taken via BACS or contactless payment to the Bollington Festival Players.

How do I book tickets for a BFP performance?

Tickets for all of our performances are sold on a website called Ticketsource. The link can be found via our ‘Book your tickets here!’ page, here on the website, or click here to head straight to Ticketsource to purchase tickets for our latest performance!

Do you sell refreshments at your performances?

Yes. Refreshments are sold before the show and during the interval of each performance in the licensed bar at The Arts Centre. They offer a selection of soft and hot drinks, alcohol and light snacks. Please note: We only accept card payments.

There may be the odd time where the bar is not available to sell drinks for one reason or another. This would mean Tea, coffee and juice would be available. However, our audience would be able to provide their own drinks, should they wish to do so.

In the event of this happening, we would update our advertisements and social media, so please do keep an eye out for any changes to any performances.

Is there parking available at the performance venue?

Yes, however, there are minimal parking spaces available at The Arts Centre. There is plenty of on-road parking along Wellington Road or there are a few car parks nearby for you to use. Click here to find the closest car park.

The Arts Centre address is:

Wellington Rd, Bollington, Macclesfield, SK10 5JR